Raven Coast (Medium View)

Raven Coast presents Raven as a searcher who is never complete. He is always
up to something foolish, comical, wily, or sometimes even wise.
On occasion he is accidentally helpful to mankind while
satisfying his own gluttony, curiosity, lust, or sense of play.
Here with a gleam in his eye, he contemplates new actions in the
world as ideas pass into his mind (in the iridescent form of
simulated abalone fragments in the upper right corner).
Printed on Arches Off-White Archival Stock
Size: 12" x 15" horizontal
4 colors
500 in edition
Price: $35
Plus $5 shipping in the USA
Item #: 518
Unless otherwise noted, all images and text are:
© 2009 Chief Seattle Arts
Last modified: November 09, 2014